An Introduction to Geometry Processing Programming in MATLAB with gptoolbox

Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu, University of Toronto

Silvia Sellán, University of Toronto

Oded Stein, MIT

(all authors contributed equally)

advised by Alec Jacobson


It is easy and convenient to use MATLAB for research and teaching in geometry processing. In this tutorial we will teach you the very basics of geometry processing in MATLAB using the simple library gptoolbox, which implements a plethora of standard geometry processing algorithms. We will show you how to do basic linear algebra operations in MATLAB, how to manipulate geometric objects, how to display surfaces, and how to do some popular geometry processing operations in MATLAB's powerful interactive environment.


Cite as

  author = {Liu, Hsueh-Ti Derek and Sell\`{a}n, Silvia and Stein, Oded},
  booktitle = {SGP 2021 Graduate School},
  title = {An Introduction to Geometry Processing Programming in MATLAB with gptoolbox},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}}


This work is funded in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation's Early Postdoc.Mobility program.

This work is funded in part by NSERC Discovery (RGPIN2017–05235, RGPAS–2017–507938), New Frontiers of Research Fund (NFRFE–201), the Ontario Early Research Award program, the Canada Research Chairs Program, and gifts by Adobe Systems.